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Plans and Policy

More Pot Shops In Seattle? It’s All In The Zoning

Let's talk pot. Washington voters passed Initiative 502, a proposal to legalize recreational marijuana production and consumption through the state, by a healthy margin in...

Seattle Will Work Through A Litany Of Planning Issues In 2016

2016 promises to be a very busy year for urban planning issues in Seattle. In the first meeting of the new Planning, Land Use,...

King County Planners Reject Urban Growth Area Expansion Proposals

Cities and counties throughout the region have been pushing to complete their comprehensive plan updates for the 2035 plan period, a 20-year planning horizon....

University District: Draft Proposal for Rezones

This past summer, a draft proposal for rezones within the University District was released by the Seattle Department of Planning and Development (DPD). By and...

University District: Adopted Comprehensive Plan Changes

Back in October, the Seattle City Council quietly approved a suite of changes to the city's Comprehensive Plan. Four separate amendment proposals were placed...

Backyard Cottages: Return of the DADU

Last Wednesday, Councilmember Mike O'Brien hosted a well ­attended Lunch and Learn at Council Chambers featuring a panel of four detached accessory dwelling unit (DADU)...

Roosevelt BRT Needs to Be BRT and Serve Bikes

Last night, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) held an open house on the Roosevelt HTC project. It was revealed that the overall project aim has...

Planning A New Portage Bay Park in the University District

The University District is slated to get an expanded park space on the shores of Portage Bay in the coming years. The project, tentatively...