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Plans and Policy

Uptown Urban Design Framework Emerges From Final EIS

Bigger buildings and thousands of new residents and jobs could be headed to Uptown in the coming years, depending on the outcome of an...

Plan Shapes Up For Seattle RapidRide Expansion

Seattle is moving full steam ahead on its RapidRide network planning program, a bold initiative to provide high-quality frequent bus service across the city. Seven...

Sound Transit Shares Roosevelt TOD Stakeholder Priorities

Sound Transit held an open house last night in the Roosevelt neighborhood to discuss priorities for transit-oriented development (TOD). The transit agency has three...

Field of Dreams: A Missed Opportunity To Change Course On Homeless Sweeps

As I write this, city officials are conducting a sweep of The Field of Dreams, a homeless encampment next to an I-90 overpass in...

King County Council Should Reject The Sale Of Convention Place Station

King County Executive Dow Constantine recently introduced legislation to the Metropolitan King County Council to approve the sale of Convention Place Station (CPS) to...

Issaquah Extends Moratorium On Development

The Issaquah City Council extended its development moratorium for Central Issaquah by an additional six months. This would put the moratorium out as far...

City Announces Deal Clearing Final Hurdle For Burke-Gilman’s Missing Link

The City of Seattle announced its preferred route for the Burke-Gilman Trail's Missing Link at a Tuesday press conference at the Ballard Locks. Fortunately,...

9-0: City Council Passes U District Rezone Unlocking MHA

New high-rises could be on the way for the University District (U District) for the first time since the 1970's. In a significant unanimous...