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Plans and Policy

Mixed Bag Bills Could Weaken Growth Management Act

Late last month, the Washington State Legislature took rushed steps in passing two bills that deal with the Growth Management Act (GMA). One of...

Public Hearing Tonight On Chinatown-International District Rezone

The area of Chinatown-International District is already zoned for tall buildings, but a new neighborhood zoning proposal could push building heights higher and allow...

Sway Public Policy, Open Comment Periods July 17th – 23rd

This is The Urbanist's first crack at summarizing open public comment period. Each week we'll provide a list of ongoing policy that is open...

Lake2Bay Street Design Concept Plan Adopted As Formal Rule

A rule governing the public realm improvement plan for the Lake2Bay corridor has finally been adopted. The 1.6-mile Lake2Bay corridor stretches from Seattle's waterfront...

Effort To Make UW Master Plan More Equitable Goes Public

The University of Washington (UW) released the final details of their campus master plan on Wednesday. As reported in earlier coverage, the UW expects...

Seattle Income Tax Comes Into Focus

The Seattle income tax on high-income earners has formally been introduced to the City Council. The proposed income tax would generally kick in at...

SDCI’s Draft Recommendations To Revise Design Review Program

Major changes to Seattle's Design Review Program may be coming soon. Earlier this month, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) released a...

U District Design Guidelines To Get Major Overhaul

The University District is a neighborhood experiencing fast-paced change as new development takes shape in the heat of Seattle's historic building boom. A significant...