Housing Policy Lessons From Vienna, Part II
Allowing multi-family housing in all residential zones, and aggressively promoting private bidding lowers housing costs.
Part II: Zoning and Development in Vienna
Previously, I discussed demographic...
Housing Policy Lessons From Vienna: Part I
Is Stadt Wien the model for US urban housing policy?
Part I: Paying for housing
This is a two-part series on housing policy in Vienna and...
Broaden the Boom: How to Rezone Single-Family Seattle
The early consensus among Seattle mayoral candidates around adding housing options in single-family residential zones excited urbanists and those looking to expand affordable housing...
Parks Development Plan Passes, Comp Plan Docket Set
On Monday, the Seattle City Council approved a new Parks Development Plan and a list of proposals to be further evaluated as part of...
Making Space For Culture: 5 Takeaways From Seattle’s CAP Report
That’s how I felt when a coworker shared the news that Seattle had released The CAP Report: 30 Ideas for the Creation, Activation, &...
Edmonds Plans For Urban District On SR-99
Edmonds is actively planning land use changes for its stretch of SR-99. Running from 244th St SW to just north of 220th SW, the...
New Connections: Building Urban Planning Networks to Foster Healthy Cities
People of color are more likely to develop chronic diseases and die younger than white adults. Genetics aside, environmental issues in urban communities--scarce access...
State Report Sheds Light On Factors Impacting Affordable Housing
A new statewide report on affordable housing has been released by the Washington State Department of Commerce. The Affordable Housing Advisory Board, which is...