Council Wraps Up Short-Term Rental Legislation, Conditionally Vacates Property in South Lake Union
On Monday, the Seattle City Council met for their regular legislative agenda meeting. Key decisions were made on short-term vacation rental regulations, conditional right-of-way...
Issaquah Updates Its Central District Visions
As the part of the Central Issaquah development moratorium, the city is refreshing the district visions established in the original Central Issaquah Plan (CIP)...
SDCI Releases Recommendation on UW’s Campus Master Plan, Community Leaders Remain Concerned
On Thursday, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) issued a recommendation on the University of Washington Campus Master Plan update. The master...
An Affordable Housing Platform for Seattle
Some vocab first:
MHA - Mandatory Housing Affordability; Seattle jargon for inclusionary zoning.
Inclusionary Zoning - This is the common term for MHA; it...
Puget Sound Considers Update To Regional Centers Framework
The Puget Sound is seeing substantial growth in population, housing, and jobs in key centers across King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties. That's not...
Tacoma Is Masterplanning the Tacoma Mall Area
Tacoma is in the process of developing a subarea plan for Tacoma Mall and its environs. The plan will guide growth and redevelopment of...
PLUZ Considers 2017 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments
On Friday, the Seattle City Council considered a slate of possible amendments to the City's comprehensive plan during a meeting of the Planning, Land...
Edmonds Adopts New Urban District, Expands MFTE Program
Edmonds has adopted a major subarea plan for an urban district on SR-99. The Edmonds City Council passed four related ordinances on August 15th to...