Wallingford RPZ Proposal Moves Forward With Two New Zones
In Wallingford, several restricted parking zones (RPZs) are already in force. For the better part of a year, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT)...
Top Urbanist Actions: Save the Basic Bike Network
Show Up at the Seattle Transportation Committee to Save the Basic Bike Network: The mayor's office appears to be taking a u-turn on Seattle's...
Everett Transit Looks Toward A More Frequent Network In Draft Plan
Everett Transit has been working through a long-range planning process for the past year. Looking out to 2040, the draft long-range plan envisions a...
Top Urbanist Action: Attend an MHA Open House
Attend District 3 + 7 MHA Open Houses: The city has been hosting open houses to discuss zoning changes that would implement Mandatory Housing...
Top Urbanist Action: Apply to Serve on the Renters’ Commission
Apply to Serve on the Renters' Commission: Seattle's renter commission is a relatively new group, formed in the last year, serving as an official...
Top Urbanist Action: RSVP For Urbanist Volunteer Orientation
Start volunteering your time for urbanism: The Urbanist will hold its first (of what hopefully becomes regular) volunteer orientation. We'll walk through what the...
Top Urbanist Action: Speak Up For Mandatory Housing Affordability
Speak up for Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA): The city will be holding one of its first public comment sessions for MHA outside the center...
Metro Everett Framework Moves Forward with Draft Plan
The City of Everett is moving ahead with its subarea planning effort to dramatically increase development capacity and remake the city's downtown core. Known...