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Plans and Policy

Council Weighs Amendments to ‘Citywide’ MHA Rezone Legislation

Last Monday, the Seattle City Council took up discussion on citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) rezones at the Select Committee. While the rezones will...

State Ferry Plan Charts Course to Higher Ridership Future

On Thursday, Washington State Ferries (WSF) released their long-range plan for the state ferry network through 2040. The plan charts a course on vessel...

What Does It Take to Create Great Cities?

Actors call it charisma and scientists talk about the sense of wonder. There are fundamental competencies for every profession. City planning requires vision. Vision is...

UW Campus Master Plan and 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Approved by City Council

On Monday, the Seattle City Council approved an update to the University of Washington Campus Master Plan. The approval wraps up a two-year planning...

Everett Adopts Rezones Topping Out at 25 Stories

In September, the Everett City Council adopted a comprehensive overhaul to zoning and development regulations in Downtown Everett and several adjacent districts. The adopted...

Tacoma on the Move: Pierce Transit’s Vision for a Growing City

Tacoma is growing. City, county, and regional leaders and planners are working to meet this growth with transportation options aligned with state mandates and...

Seattle Transit Shelter Modernization Plan Shelved, Forgoing $97 Million Or More In Advertising Revenue

Cities across the country are trying to improve their public realms by putting an emphasis on enhancing the pedestrian and transit user experience. Seattle...

Everett Transit Delivers A Painful Restructuring Plan; It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way

Everett Transit is in the midst of a painful service restructuring planning process. Fresh off its long-range planning effort to develop a path to...