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Plans and Policy

Metro heads toward West Seattle via Spokane Street low bridge. (Photo by Doug Trumm)

Metro Transit Releases Action Plan for West Seattle Bridge Closure

On Tuesday, King County Metro released its West Seattle Bridge Closure Transit Action Plan. The transit agency operates bus services, water taxis, and van-share...
Sherae Lascelles, Robert, Patricia Allen, Serena Oduro, Debora Oliveira-Couch, and more shared the screen during the Community Teach In.

The Defund SPD Community Teach-In and the Layered Resistance to Change

Decriminalize Seattle and King County Equity Now are making a big ask. Their plan to reduce the Seattle Police Department budget is bound to...

Everett Transit Rethinks Its Future, But Is It Time For A Merger?

Everett has struggled for years to provide a basic city-operated transit system under the banner of Everett Transit. Due to declining sales tax revenues...
Light rail tunneled station in Downtown Seattle. (Photo by Gary Matoso / Futurewise)

Wonkabout Washington: Equitable Public Engagement in a Pandemic

As we enter month three of life in a pandemic in Washington, planners, and community organizations are grappling with how to adapt our engagement...

Will Washington Become One of the First States to Require Climate Action through Urban...

Seattle may be famous for its cool rainy weather, but it is a little known fact that the city also holds the dubious distinction...

Is Washington Addicted to Authorities?

This article is adapted from testimony for HB 2882 prepared by the author and presented to the Washington House of Representatives Committee on Housing,...
Snohomish County suburban sprawl. A view of 192 Place SE located within the unincorporated Bothell urban growth area. This is one of many private streets in this development, a mechanism that allows for the construction and upkeep of the road to be placed on homeowners associations instead of a municipality. (Photo by Ray Dubicki)

A Clearview of the Urban Growth Boundary

Snohomish County is weighing a 15-square mile expansion of its urban growth boundary in an area called the Clearview Cluster. Even now, suburban sprawl...
The City of Olympia created this Missing Middle graphic which hints rowhouses are in their vision.

Embracing the Middle: Olympia’s Struggle for Housing Diversity Wages On

Early this year, Minneapolis made headlines when it decided to eliminate restrictive single-family zoning laws citywide. Others followed. Oregon passed a measure that requires...