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Plans and Policy

Snohomish County Light Rail Planning Turns Toward Housing

Approaching the halfway mark of their Fall 2020 Light Rail Communities workshop, Snohomish County has opened up part two of the workshop to address...

Cascadia Needs New Zoning, Not New Cities

Abolishing apartment bans is how we grow as a region, not sprouting entire new cities in pasture. The Cascadia Vision 2050 report made it onto...
A drawing of a city with people in transit, biking, walking, rolling a wheelchair, and sitting in a park with mountains in background.

Call to Action: Send a Washington Can’t Wait Letter

The Urbanist has joined Futurewise in its Washington Can't Wait campaign seeking to reform the Growth Management Act (GMA) to incorporate sustainability, equity, and...
Police hold nightsticks in full riot gear behind a metal fence as protesters march by.

Solidarity Budget Coalition Asks for Deeper SPD Cuts, No New Cops

Budget Chair Teresa Mosqueda unveiled the Seattle City Council's rebalancing package for the 2021 budget this week and laid out $83 million in changes...
6-story buildings in Downtown Bothell

Vision 2050 Has Passed. On to Visions 2024.

Puget Sound's long-term regional planning document has passed. Now the individual city planning begins. On Friday, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) adopted Vision 2050,...

The Patchwork City: What Gaps and Overlaps in City Boundaries Tell Us about Values

I. Those Left Out: Skyway and Bryn Mawr It is budget season. Throughout Washington, cities are creating budgets that reflect the dual impacts of pandemic...

Eight Cities Have Opted Out of County Measure to House Homeless

Bellevue, Renton, Issaquah, Maple Valley, North Bend, Covington, Snoqualmie, and Kent voted to opt out of King County's homelessness measure by proposing their own...

Seattle Seeks to Close Internet Access Gap

In September, the City of Seattle released the Internet for All Seattle Report. This report follows the City's July 27th resolution to establish the...