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Plans and Policy

Shoreline Sends Parks Expansion to April 27th Ballot

In January, the Shoreline City Council voted to place a park improvement and park land acquisition bond measure on the April 27, 2021 special...

SDOT Proposes Route 20 to Improve Northgate Restructure and Boosts West Seattle Service with...

Last week, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) shared planned September service changes to the City's bus network once the new Seattle Transportation Benefit...

Mayor Durkan ‘Pivots’ from Road Pricing to Electrification Blueprint

In 2018, Mayor Jenny Durkan made a splash by embracing the idea of enacting downtown cordon tolling to reduce car congestion, pledging to realize...
Streets Closed sign in Youngstown bars access to the West Seattle Bridge. (Photo by Doug Trumm)

City Seeking Contractor for West Seattle Bridge Repair

The West Seattle High Rise Bridge safety project has made progress since Mayor Jenny Durkan's announcement to repair, rather than replace, the West Seattle...

Vital Growth Management Bills Move to the Senate

Washington Can't Wait Week of Action is March 15th-19th. It’s the third quarter of the Washington Legislative session. The body’s major (self-imposed) hurdle has been...
A very busy Capitol Hill Station with arrived trains.

PSRC Advances toward a 2022 Regional Transportation Plan

The executive board of the Puget Sound Region Council (PSRC) received an update on the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) from agency planner Kelly...
A view of development along SR-7 in Pierce County. (Google Maps)

Pierce County Updates Plans for Central Urban Growth Areas

In October, the Pierce County Council adopted updates to the community plans of Frederickson, Mid-County, Parkland-Spanaway-Midland, and South Hill that should encourage denser development...

Snohomish County Explores Higher Lot Coverage Allowances in Medium Density Zones for Housing

Land use reform in Snohomish County could bring increased lot coverage to multifamily and commercial zones in unincorporated urban growth areas. Increasing the development...