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Plans and Policy

A map of Washington State with a map of the country of Switzerland overlaid on top of it.

Workers Need Homes, So Why Isn’t Our Zoning Keeping Up With Job Growth?

When Bellevue boasted they would eat Seattle’s lunch last month, I am not sure they realized the housing crisis was on the full course...
A photo of a light blue and white mobile home with a driveway.

Mobile Home Park Protections to Preserve Up to 11 Acres for Affordable Housing in...

The Seattle City Council has passed another six month development moratorium for the city's two remaining mobile home parks. The legislation, which passed 7-0,...

Draft Regional Transportation Plan Could Fall Far Short on Climate Goals

Early next year, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), the region’s four-county planning agency, will release a draft of the update to its Regional...

Seattle’s State Transportation Priorities for 2022: Pedestrian Streets and Freeway Removal

Every year in advance of the state legislature convening for its new session, cities around the state update their agenda. The Washington State legislature's...
Seattle City Hall sign and steps.

What Everyone Took Away from Seattle’s 2022 Budget

The Seattle City Council approved the City's 2022 budget on Monday after a few dramatic last-minute amendment showdowns. Advocacy groups quickly set to work...

Snohomish County Contemplates Growth Scenarios Ranging from Urban Infill to Sprawl

Like many local governments, Snohomish County has kicked off their comprehensive planning process to meet a state-mandated deadline to update the county's 20-year growth...
A wall of police with riot shields outside East Precinct.

Streetcar and 101 ‘Ghost’ Positions at SPD Survive Budget Deliberations

The Seattle Police Department (SPD) has a special privilege granted to no other department in the City. The City allocates funding to SPD for...

City Council Setting the Stage for Another Streetcar Showdown

Councilmember Herbold has proposed shelving the Center City Connector streetcar project once again and diverting $2.4 million in funding to Citywide hiring incentives. The Seattle...