Housing Benefit Districts Could Create Millions of Affordable Homes
One of the best bills this session has been quietly working its way through the legislature, and it’s time to pay attention as it...
Let’s Re-imagine Regional Passenger Rail in the Transportation Package
A few weeks ago, I decided I had to go to Portland to see an art show before it closed. The original plan included...
A Dozen Bills to Watch as Legislative Deadlines Loom
The Washington State Legislature crams its session into sixty days in even years, allowing lawmakers to dedicate more of the year to their campaigns,...
Inslee Pushes Legislation Prioritizing Homeless Encampment Removal Near Highways
Encampments along roadways are among the most visible signs of the homelessness crisis in Washington State. But does that mean that these encampments should...
Bellevue Council Update: Health Through Housing, Litter Over Emissions, Meeting Urban Growth
Among several other items, Monday's Bellevue City Council meeting saw an update from King County Council Chair Claudia Balducci on regional issues, a quarterly...
Café Streets: From Pandemic Response to Permanent Program
The Seattle City Council is considering a bill to extend cafe street and outdoor dining permits until January 2023. The popular program arose during...
State Should Invest $99 Million to Address SR-99’s Many Problems
Highway 99 has 99 problems. Aurora Avenue is an unsettled mix, part street where people interact with businesses and part highway shunting vehicles through...
Going It Alone with Affordable Housing Funds Not Yet Fruitful for Bellevue
Funding for an affordable housing project for domestic violence survivors moved forward with unanimous approval at Bellevue's most recent city council meeting. The new...