Take Action for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals in Growth Management Bill
As a parent, I am worried about another summer where our children can’t play outside for weeks at a time because they will be...
Honor Wallingford’s Streetcar History by Building Transit and Dense, Affordable Housing
Beginning with my great grandmother, three generations of women in my family lived in a craftsman home that has since been flattened into the...
Federal Regulations on the Digital Marketplace Spur Concerns for Local Businesses
It is evident that the disruption of COVID-19 has not affected all businesses equally. Restaurants closed, events cancelled, travels postponed, and many small, BIPOC-owned...
Amendment Guts Key Climate Provisions in Growth Management Bill
However, it's not too late to let Washington lawmakers know they should restore the bill to its original intention.
Last night the Senate Ways and...
Proposed Digital Equity Bill Needs Support to Increase Broadband Access
For a long time, Washington’s digital divide worried many groups of people who saw its harmful and inequitable effects: librarians, teachers, tribal governments, and...
Bellevue Council Update: Comprehensive Plan Outreach and Managing Growth
With a unanimous vote to close out last night's meeting, Bellevue City Council officially approved the upcoming years-long outreach process for the city's Comprehensive...
Wilburton Rezone Can Facilitate Over 5,000 New Homes in Bellevue – If Done Right
Later this year, Bellevue City Council will complete a years-long process to rezone the Wilburton neighborhood east of I-405. Historically a commercial and office...
Neighborhood Plans are High Minded Gatekeeping
Having attended a number of community meetings around Seattle, I can say that there are few things worse than watching a newcomer with ideas...