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Dear State Democrats, It’s on You to Repair the Damage I-976 Has Wrought

In response to the apparent passage of Initiative 976, Washington State's political leaders have begun acting as if they are required to slash public...

Takele Gobena: I’m the SeaTac Council Candidate to Take on Affordable Housing and Transportation...

Recently, while on the campaign trail, I had a conversation with a retired federal worker in the city of SeaTac who has become homeless...

Alex Pedersen Misleads Voters on Property Taxes

Alex Pedersen appears to not understand property tax in Washington State, despite having worked in government and his claims to "practical experience." Or maybe...

An Introduction to Impact Fees in Washington State

The Puget Sound region is booming with new development, more residents and jobs, and demand for increasingly stretched public services, whether they be roads,...

Sound Transit Supporters: The Campaign Is Not Over

The passage of ST3 was one of the few joyous moments on an otherwise bleak November election night. Voters approved the proposal by more...

Compromising Won’t Help Get to $15 Now

  It’s the dog days of a Seattle winter, and tempers are growing short. The initial enthusiasm for a $15 an hour minimum wage remains...