Harrell Cuts Social Safety Net to Fund 16% Boost to SPD
Mayor Bruce Harrell’s 2025 budget would cut elsewhere to fund a 16% increase to the Seattle Police Department. The cuts to affordable housing and social services could backfire, undermining public safety and homelessness response.
Policy Lab: Why Are Seattle Restaurants So Expensive?
Seattle service workers are set to get a major wage hike, unless restaurant lobbyists get their way. But policymakers can support the restaurant industry in better ways than simply cutting worker pay.
Op-Ed: Wallingford Can Build a Brighter ‘Seattle of the Future’
The Local Sightings film festival juxtaposed The Beacon, a film about a break-dancing studio fighting to survive in South Seattle, with a film about Wallingford grappling with change and potentially embracing a more inclusive, diverse future.
Op-Ed: Presidential Election Hinges on Housing, Conceptions of the American Dream
Addressing our national housing crisis will require a drastic shift in how we think about housing in our society: it needs to become a basic human right — something we are all entitled to and therefore something our government works to deliver.
Op-Ed: Recognizing Nondrivers Can Spur a Revolution in Transportation and Housing
Nondrivers are more than a quarter of the population, but often an afterthought in policy discussions. Recognizing their needs, as the national Week Without Driving challenge strives to promote, can help improve outcomes for everyone.
Policy Lab: Ban Algorithmic Rental Price-Setting
At least half of Seattle's apartments are priced using algorithms like RealPage, which is facing a federal lawsuit for illegal price fixing. The Seattle City Council should ban such algorithms, Katie Wilson argues.
Op-Ed: Seattle’s Banishment Zones Are Misguided, Public Space Guardianship Offers Fix
Activating public spaces is a worthy goal, but it takes welcoming people in with placemaking and guardianship, not banishing those deemed undesirable.
Op-Ed: Sound Transit Should Rethink Light Rail Extensions Beset with Overruns
Sound Transit may be headed for another round of light rail project delays due to poor decision-making, and it needs to be open to overhauling the ST3 program.