The Case Against Approval Voting — And For Real Democracy Reform in Seattle
A planned initiative from Seattle Approves would like us to stop asking voters who they want representing them and instead ask voters to approve...
A Permanent Rental Assistance Program Would Prevent Homelessness in Seattle
Barry (not his real name) can afford to pay about $200 a month for his small apartment. His rent is $800. He’s disabled and...
Take Action for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals in Growth Management Bill
As a parent, I am worried about another summer where our children can’t play outside for weeks at a time because they will be...
Legislature Must Cut Highway Expansion and Protect Transit, Safety, Maintenance Funds
The $16.9 billion Move Ahead Washington transportation package faces a large funding gap after State House passed a version of the bill Tuesday that...
Federal Regulations on the Digital Marketplace Spur Concerns for Local Businesses
It is evident that the disruption of COVID-19 has not affected all businesses equally. Restaurants closed, events cancelled, travels postponed, and many small, BIPOC-owned...
Proposed Digital Equity Bill Needs Support to Increase Broadband Access
For a long time, Washington’s digital divide worried many groups of people who saw its harmful and inequitable effects: librarians, teachers, tribal governments, and...
Invest in Mental Health First Responders, Not New Police Hires
While the editorial staff at the Seattle Times wring their hands about yet another Seattle Police Department (SPD) Crime Report, I ask: will the...
Expand Amtrak Cascades Passenger Rail Statewide
“It's not planning for today. This is a vision that's planning for where the region is going to be in twenty years. If we...