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Everett Link Must Think Out of the Box to Avoid Generational Errors

This is a second installment examining the Everett Link Extension alternatives currently undergoing scoping. The first piece focused on station and station area alignment...

SDOT’s Top to Bottom Review of Vision Zero Barely Skims the Surface

In September of last year, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Director Greg Spotts took the megaphone at a rally of around 100 people on...
A rendering of an elevated interstate bridge

How to Finance a Highway Spending Spree: Records Reveal Oregon’s Plans for Toll Hikes

Some commuters to pay as much as $30 per day. Tolls don't need to be this high to manage congestion, argues City Observatory. This article...

Downtown Recovery Takes Center Stage in Harrell Speech Light on Details

The mayor has coined splashy acronyms from DAP to CARE, but the programs themselves are lagging behind. Mayor Bruce Harrell titled his state of the...

The High Cost of Parking in Downtown Bellingham 

When what is now downtown Bellingham was initially platted in the mid-1800s, it is likely that little consideration was given to parking. Mostly because...

Four Generation Defining Megaprojects Seattle Must Start Now

Seattle’s era of small thinking and smaller plans must come to an end. In order to face the combined climate and housing crises, the...

Texts Reveal Durkan’s Office Used Covert Efforts to Disperse Protesters

Fourteen days after Seattle Police abandoned their East Precinct, then Mayor Jenny Durkan’s office began to develop “covert” plans to expel protesters from the...
Looking down a circular staircase

One Stairway is Enough to Reach Housing Heaven

A bill allowing single-stairway "point access block" buildings would enhance housing and neighborhoods. On February 2nd the Washington State Senate held its first hearing on...