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Seattle Must Pursue ‘Rapid Progress’ Option and Transform Its Streets

Comment by October 31 to urge the City to improve the Seattle Transportation Plan. Seattle is mapping out the next two decades of transportation investments...

The 17-Year Odyssey for Bremerton’s 6th Street Bike Lane

Public Works continues to delay long-promised safety upgrades even as a repaving project presents an opportunity to redesign the dangerous street. Bremerton has planned to...

The Case for The Urbanist Seattle Council Slate as Ballots Arrive

Ballots are arriving in mailboxes across Washington State and voters have big decisions before them. Urbanists have big opportunities to make gains and signs...

Seattle Is Too Boring to Be the Worst at Anything

You hear it all the time, Seattle drivers are 'Just The Worst.' They’re terrible at navigating around the ubiquitous traffic circles. They’re incompetent on...
Brick public school building, Sacajawea School.

Seattle Public Schools Unveil Plans for Sweeping Cuts and Lasting Austerity

Faced with an ongoing refusal by the state legislature to properly fund public education, Seattle Public Schools have responded by proposing an unprecedented plan...

Sound Transit Still Seeking Mitigation for Overcrowding Coming with Link Expansions

Near-term Link expansions will further strain limited resources for service capacity, forcing more crowding and lower frequencies that could last years. Can that be...
Men in suits at a table with a white background.

Bellevue Council Hopefuls Square Off at Forums on Safety, Environment, and Downtown

With ballots for the November general election set to go out in just two weeks, local voters will soon be tasked with selecting elected...
A half dozen police and a medic team talk to a person in a wheel chair across from Pioneer Square Station. A police cruiser and ambulance are parked along Third Avenue.

Harrell’s Dual-Responder Proposal Would Fail to Civilianize Crisis Response

Seattle's road to a non-police alternative to address its behavioral health crisis has been a long, convoluted one. This month the new Community Assisted Response...