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Land Use

Sunday Video: Why Is The Public Land Survey System So Important?

Dave Amos of City Beautiful dives into the history of the Public Land Survey System and how it has affected much of the United States in big and small ways.

Seattle Readies Land Use Code Overhaul in Preparation for Sound Transit 3

Seattle's land use code is ill-equipped to handle the scale of permits that will be required to approve the city's next light rail lines. This proposed overhaul is intended to ensure transit remains on schedule.
Mercer Island's light rail station, in the median of I-90, being constructed. Parking lots and low density development is visible on the periphery

Mercer Island’s Growth Plan Doesn’t Meet State Standards, Appeal Alleges

Futurewise is challenging the validity of Mercer Island's Comprehensive Plan, alleging it's out of alignment with a number of state housing policies, including a requirement to maximize the area around its forthcoming light rail station.

Sunday Video: Why Living by Freeways Is Terrible for Your Health

In this video, CityNerd's Ray Delahanty digs into the public health effects of freeways. Pollution impacts fall most heavily on people who live near freeways.
The Seattle council chambers are filled to the brim. People hold signs to promote their views.

Housing Advocates Outnumber ‘One Seattle’ Opponents, Moore and Rivera Back Opponents

Housing advocates outnumbered opponents by a margin of 89 to 75 during a five-hour public hearing Wednesday on the One Seattle housing growth plan. Nevertheless, several councilmembers made it clear they sided with slow-growth advocates, rather than the majority demanding more housing options.
A parking lot on a hot day in Northgate, with Thornton Place behind

Parking Reform Gains Momentum at Washington Legislature

Senate Bill 5184 would put a cap on out-of-control parking mandates. It passed out of the Washington State Senate's Housing Committee on Wednesday, clearing its first hurdle.
A photo from SoDo, with T-Mobile Park in the background. An older brick building stands next to smaller, more run down storefronts with a large wide road in the foreground

Seattle Council Sharply Divided Over Allowing Housing in Stadium District

With housing advocates and the Port of Seattle divided on the issue of allowing housing near Seattle's sports stadiums, councilmembers are being forced to pick sides, after Sara Nelson reintroduced the proposal earlier this month.

Sunday Video: Utrecht and Fake London Weren’t Always So Different

Jason Slaughter of Not Just Bikes compares Utrecht, Netherlands and London, Ontario, showing how both cities became car-oriented in the mid-century era. However, Utrecht uniquely undid the damage, becoming a city highly oriented around pedestrian, bike, and transit infrastructure.