2013-2014 Amendments to Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan
Seattle's Comprehensive Plan is a constantly evolving policy document. Beyond the state-required update every 10 years, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan can be made annually...
5 Questions About Building Big Buildings
Seattle is experiencing one of, if not the greatest, building booms in its history. A short walk north from the central business district, yields sightlines...
Event Reminder: Seattle 2035 EIS Scoping and Comprehensive Plan Alternatives
As The Urbanist reported last week, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) will be holding an open house and presentation on the city's update to...
Seattle 2035: EIS Scoping and Comprehensive Plan Alternatives
Editor's Note: In case you missed our previous coverage of Seattle 2035, check out DPD's Background Report, which covers the city's planning data from 1995-2012.
The Department of Planning...
Choosing Place-Receiving Over Placemaking, and Why
Editor's Note: This is a guest post from Chuck Wolfe and was originally published on myurbanist.com.
In 1997, I returned to Europe after a long absence....
Minimum Density Rules
Last summer, the national pharmacy chain CVS decided to enter the Seattle market, building new stores in Lower Queen Anne, Wallingford, and West Seattle....
Mukilteo’s Unique Opportunity
Departing the Mukilteo terminal. Photo by the author.
Located just southwest of Everett, the city of Mukilteo boasts excellent urban amenities, many transportation options, and...
Waterfront 2020: Specific, Delightful, and Peculiar
Specific. Delightful. Peculiar. That is the future of the waterfront, according to lead project designer James Corner. Updated waterfront redevelopment plans were unveiled last...