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Land Use

Why Do We Write About Cities?

When we write about cities, sometimes we do best when we take the metrics away.   In 2011, amid a visit to San Francisco and just...

Is Seattle The Fastest Growing Big City In The US?

Yesterday morning the Census Bureau published a press release titled, "South, West Have Fastest-Growing Cities, Census Bureau Reports; Three of Top 10 are in Texas Capital Area."...

Revisiting A Rapidly Changing Seattle: South Lake Union

Color Theming: Red = Developable, Green = In Design/Planning, Blue = Under Construction, and Yellow = Completed It's been only three months since I first...

Seattle 2035: One Last Chance

Editor’s Note: In case you missed our previous coverage of Seattle 2035, check out DPD’s Background Report, which covers the city’s planning data from 1995-2012. The Department of Planning...

4 Demographic Implications on Housing and Transport

Last week, the Planning Association of Washington (PAW) hosted their annual conference, which gathered a wide range of disciplines in planning like land use,...

King County 2030: Introduction to Housing and Employment

Editor’s Note: King County 2030 is a series analyzing King County’s future through the lens of growth targets for the County’s Metro and Core...

Seattle’s Largest Down-Zone

On the April 18th, there will be a final public hearing regarding small lot legislation, which is targeted for passage in early May. Although...

Sunday Video: 137 Years of Sprawl Los Angeles by NYU STERN URBANIZATION PROJECT on YouTube. New York University Stern has studied 30 global cities and their urbanization patterns. So far the...