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Seattle industrial zones have been inundated with big box retail, mini storage, and other non industrial uses. The City's use table and its many exceptions tell us why. (Photo by the author)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Industrial Use, Part 3

The Terrible No-good Very Bad Use Table Over this series of articles, I am laying out an argument that Seattle should mix industrial uses in...
The Urbanist took a boat tour in April 2017 of the Port of Seattle, which is a vital engine for the region and a productive advantage for local industry. (Photo by Doug Trumm)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Industrial Use, Part 2

How did we get here? Over this series of articles, I am laying out an argument that Seattle should mix industrial uses in our residential...

Your Friendly Neighborhood Industrial Use, An Introduction

In this series of four articles, I am going to lay out an argument that Seattle should mix industrial uses in our residential and...
BNSF Railyard in Interbay. (Photo by Doug Trumm)

The BINMIC Industrial Plan is Dead

Interbay is a collision of changing urban landscapes, expensive deteriorating infrastructure, and confused layers of authority.  As the smaller of Seattle’s two industrial centers,...