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Land Use

The view of wide, but empty First Avenue looking north toward Downtown, with low-slung industrial, strip mall, and parking lots around it.

Seattle Council Lifts Ban on Housing in Stadium District

The 6-3 vote ends a long debate which rehashed a dormant fight over the future of Seattle's Stadium District. With the door now open to residential uses, industrial advocates warn of the continued erosion of the city's industrial lands.
An aerial shot of North Tacoma neighborhoods with Mount Rainier and the Tacoma Dome in the distance.

Tacoma Rezone Offers Housing Diversity and Path to Breaking Car Dependence

In Tacoma, 62% of housing units are detached single family homes. This overabundance has come at a cost in terms of affordability and urban livability. But recent zoning changes could spur a greater variety of housing.

Council Committee Greenlights SoDo Housing Proposal Despite Strong Port Opposition

The 3-2 vote in committee sets up a final decision later this month, but the Port of Seattle is suggesting they may take legal action against the move.
A jogger crosses an intersection with a large tree on the corner and a row of apartment buildings of various ages.

Op-Ed: 10 Reasons Seattle Adding 30 Neighborhood Centers Is Smart Planning

Keeping all 30 proposed Neighborhood Centers is essential for a more affordable, sustainable, and thriving Seattle. If we chip away at Neighborhood Centers, we’ll be left with the same housing shortages, rising costs, and inequitable growth patterns we’ve seen for decades.

Newcastle Mayor Pushed to Scrub Climate Change, Equity from City’s Growth Plan

Newcastle Mayor Robert Clark pushed to remove references to promoting racial and social equity as "vague," "subjective," and "irrelevant," and called climate change "subjective." Many of his recommendations were adopted by the Newcastle Planning Commission.
A cargo checker in a yellow hardhat looks at a clipboard with a stack of shipping bins and big crane in the background,

Op-Ed: SoDo Is for Industry, Seattle Should Reject Rushed Housing Push

Port Commissioner Ryan Calkins argues that the Seattle City Council should reject Council President Sara Nelson’s rushed plan to add a housing district in SoDo and continue to reserve the area for industry and freight needs.

Washington Senate Greenlights Elevator Reform Aimed at Boosting Midrise Homebuilding

Senate Bill 5156, approved by the Washington Senate this week, could open the door to more accessible small apartment buildings built around smaller European-style elevators, reducing overall housing costs at the same time.

Tacoma Aims for 325,000 Residents by 2040 with New Comprehensive Plan

Tacoma is striving to pick up its pace of housing growth. The City hopes newly enact multiplex zoning while help it hit 325,000 residents in a few decades time, a population gain of nearly 50%.