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Seattle Fair Growth: An Interview, Part 2 – Housing Debate

Introduction With the goal of bridging the political divide and challenging my own assumptions, I sat down with Sarajane Siegfriedt (SS) and Jon Lisbin (JL)...

Seattle Fair Growth: An Interview, Part 1

Introduction In an age of rising political polarization, it can be tough to find common ground with those whom we disagree. To break through the...

Interview with Dan Savage, Part 2: Seattle’s Future

This is the second installment of a two-part interview with Dan Savage. Here, Dan gets into Seattle-specific issues around housing and transportation. Check out...

Interview with Dan Savage, Part 1: Why Cities

A well-known pundit, sex columnist, LGBT activist, and Editorial Director of The Stranger, Dan Savage frequently writes about housing from an urbanist perspective. On a...