Compromising Won’t Help Get to $15 Now
It’s the dog days of a Seattle winter, and tempers are growing short. The initial enthusiasm for a $15 an hour minimum wage remains...
How much should a 2 bedroom apartment cost? It should definitely be less than...
We completed our preliminary research on two-bedroom housing in Seattle. We’ll be publishing a comprehensive report on all unit types in the near future....
Average and Median Prices of Renting In Seattle
We completed our preliminary research on 1 bedroom housing in Seattle. We’ll be publishing this research once we’ve worked out all the bugs. In...
Seattle DPD Attempts to Define aPodments and Microhousing.
The city of Seattle's Department of Planning and Development first item in its list of proposed micro-housing legislation in Seattle is a legal definition of "micro"...
Seattle Moves to Limit aPodments and Microhousing
The Department of Planning and Development recently proposed legislation to define and regulate micro-housing in Seattle. You can find a copy of their proposal here.