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A Stay Housed rally with a "Housing is the Cure" banner at Seattle City Hall with a crowd of about 50.

Op-Ed: Seattle Council Should Double Rental Assistance, Not Slash It

To prevent homelessness and improve housing stability, Seattle City Council should not cut funding for Tenant Services and Rental Assistance as Mayor Bruce Harrell proposes, and instead double it.

Updated Seattle Growth Plan Adds Five Neighborhood Anchors, Bigger Fourplexes

An updated version of Seattle's 20-year growth plan includes additional opportunities for housing density, but mostly retains the city's longstanding pattern of walling off lower-density areas of the city.

Seattle Breaks Ground on West Coast’s First Residential Highrise of 2024

As a new 45-story apartment tower goes up at the Elephant Car Wash site, Seattle is building apartments at a rapid pace – but a slump may be on the way.

Op-Ed: Unclogging Seattle’s Water Permit Gauntlet Would Help Address Housing Crisis

Onerous requirements for new water infrastructure that go further than Washington state law are a part of the problem when it comes to encouraging home building in Seattle.

Op-Ed: Higher Wages Are Needed Part of Seattle’s Housing Affordability Solution

The Fight for $15 has been won. Now housing affordability is Seattle’s biggest challenge. Repealing wage standards would be a setback.

Harrell Officials Downplay Impact of Permitting Staff Cuts

City officials have insisted that the staff cuts for SDCI in next year's budget will not impact permit approval times. Staff are not convinced.

Op-Ed: Wallingford Can Build a Brighter ‘Seattle of the Future’

The Local Sightings film festival juxtaposed The Beacon, a film about a break-dancing studio fighting to survive in South Seattle, with a film about Wallingford grappling with change and potentially embracing a more inclusive, diverse future.
Mercer Island's light rail station, in the median of I-90, being constructed. Parking lots and low density development is visible on the periphery

Mercer Island Plans to Densify Town Center… With a Big Catch

In response to state law, Mercer Island is poised to upzone some of the blocks closest to transit. But new affordability mandates may negate the move.