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Average and Median Prices of Renting In Seattle

We completed our preliminary research on 1 bedroom housing in Seattle. We’ll be publishing this research once we’ve worked out all the bugs. In...

How Affordable Is Living In Seattle? Housing and Transportation Edition

Housing and transportation costs are closely intertwined. Getting the true cost of housing requires calculations beyond the costs paid for rent or mortgage. The federal...

King County Supports Youth Homeless Shelter

King County pledged $120,000 to help support the YouthCare's James W Ray Orion Center. The shelter helps homeless youth in Seattle and is located off...

Single Family Home Sales October 2013

Seattle Bubble reports a dip in the price of some single-family homes during October in King County. The main points: - More mid-range housing ($335,000-$715,000)...

Seattle DPD Attempts to Define aPodments and Microhousing.

The city of Seattle's Department of Planning and Development first item in its list of proposed micro-housing legislation in Seattle is a legal definition of "micro"...

Seattle Moves to Limit aPodments and Microhousing

The Department of Planning and Development recently proposed legislation to define and regulate micro-housing in Seattle. You can find a copy of their proposal here. The...