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5 Questions About Building Big Buildings

Seattle is experiencing one of, if not the greatest, building booms in its history. A short walk north from the central business district, yields sightlines...

Which cities have the cheapest housing? It depends how you measure

Some cities are more expensive to live in than others. Many writers and researchers have attempted to quantify the difference. One commonly used metric...

A Dishonest Moratorium On Providing More Housing

A number of local neighborhood groups have banded together to push their agenda of preventing more housing. They are using the misleading name, Coalition...

The Urbanist Case for $15/Hour

Over the past year, there has been a growing faction in Seattle that believes the minimum wage should be higher -- much higher. The...

Compromising Won’t Help Get to $15 Now

  It’s the dog days of a Seattle winter, and tempers are growing short. The initial enthusiasm for a $15 an hour minimum wage remains...

A Call To Action For The Washington Housing Trust Fund

This is a guest post provided by Erika Malone from Homestead Community Land Trust, an organization working to provide permanently affordable home ownership in...
Greenwood Single-Family Homes

Seattle Neighourhoods: Not Just for Single-Family Homes

Look around a residential neighbourhood in a typical American city, and you will see an ocean of single-family detached homes. There is a myth...

Why Tech Workers Should Care About Housing Issues

Technology industry workers are not apathetic. The industry is known for its passionate defense of civil liberties, the unprecedented scope of the philanthropy of...