Seattle/King County: 3rd Largest Homeless Population In 2013 HUD Report
(There’s a lot of data in the 2013 HUD report on homelessness. This is part 1 of The Urbanist’s series to better understand this data....
Measuring Housing Need Compared to Job Growth
Trulia's blog provides another important contribution about housing costs. The most recent post includes the graph above. This graph reinforces the evidence that the price...
Incentive Zoning Program Review
In order to examine the Incentive Zoning (IZ) Program, the city hired analysts to model some different outcomes based on various assumptions. The analysts...
Workforce Housing Recommendations
Seattle's council has spent a lot of the last year trying to figure out how to address housing costs. Continuing this conversation, four council members...
Micro-Housing Working Group Update
Last week was the first meeting for the micro-housing working group. Council Member Mike O'Brien announced the working group during a prior Planning, Land Use...
Baugruppen: Yes In Our Back Yard!
Editor’s Note: This is Part 7 of a series on Baugruppen, private owners collaboratively building affordable multifamily projects. Read Part 1 or check out the series.
With this series,...
Action Reminder: Choose Alternative 4 for University District
As we wrote about last week, the Seattle Department of Planing and Development (DPD) is working on a comprehensive plan to realign zoning, transportation, open...
Choose Alternative 4 for the University District
Editor's Note: For a more in-depth primer on the University District Urban Design Framework, see our background article on the project.
This is a pivotal...