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Revisiting Sustainable Housing, Politics and a Basic Pride of Place

In Seattle, the recent recommendations of the Mayor’s Housing and Livability Agenda (HALA) Advisory Committee have dominated civic discussion, particularly a small part of...

Much DADU About Nothing

Since the release of the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee recommendations, there has been much speculation on what diversifying the single-family zones...

Mayor’s Housing Committee Proposes Modifying Seattle’s Single-Family Zoning

On Tuesday afternoon The Seattle Times' Danny Westneat broke the news (in an inflammatory manner) that Mayor Ed Murray's committee on housing may recommend making...

Four Key Takeaways on the Draft HALA Recommendations

I think it's a good thing that within hours of Danny Westneat leaking the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee draft recommendations, it...

The Seattle Times On Single-Family Zoning: Inflammatory and Factually Inaccurate

After a bold release by The Seattle Times yesterday, we learned that a series of possible changes to building typologies could be on the way for...

Pike Place Expansion is Underway

Construction has begun on the Pike Place Market expansion project, the first addition to the Market in 40 years. Crews broke ground on June...

Supreme Court Update: Ruling Shores Up Disparate Impact Under the Fair Housing Act

Last week, the Supreme Court resolved an important question about the Fair Housing Act ("FHA"): can plaintiffs bring a disparate impact action under the...

Redevelopable Capacity: Disguising Correlation As Causation

In a previous article, I responded to Dan Bertolet's rebuttal of my essay outlining why urbanists must support linkage fees. My primary argument, that land is inelastic, means that...