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Seattle Is Squandering Its Public Land

One of the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) committee’s 65 recommendations was that the city prioritize its surplus properties for affordable housing. That...

Seattle City Council Notes: A Safer SR-520, Roosevelt Gets a Park, and Enhanced Tenant...

At the top of the agenda on Monday, the City Council discussed a resolution (Resolution 31611) on the SR-520 highway rebuild from Montlake to...

Seattle to Acquire Sisley Properties in Roosevelt

The Seattle City Council will vote today on whether to acquire a one-fifth-acre property from Hugh Sisley, an infamous slumlord in the city's Roosevelt...

HALA Hearing on Commercial Linkage Fees and Upzones

The Seattle City Council held a public meeting this week regarding the commercial linkage fee and upzone proposals from the Housing Affordability and Livability...

How Seattle’s Mandatory Affordable Housing Program Will Work

The Seattle City Council is considering a mandatory affordable housing program linked to commercial developments. The program is no longer just a commercial "linkage...

Seattle City Council Notes: HALA Work Plan, MFTE Extension, and SR-520 Resolution

The Seattle City Council met yesterday afternoon for the regular full Council meeting to vote on important policies affecting housing. Sitting first on the agenda,...

Regional Initiative to Create 700 Affordable Workforce Housing Units

Transit centers across the region could see a huge boost in affordable housing over the coming years. Under a new regional initiative, some 700 affordable...

2014-2015 Amendments to Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan

A suite of Comprehensive Plan amendments are now under consideration by the Seattle City Council. Three separate proposals are being vetted, which are the...