CLT: The Future of Midrise Seattle
The Urbanist has covered how 85- and 125-foot zones are not very effective. Since 65 feet is the sweet spot for Type V construction...
A Year After New Microhousing Rules Went Into Effect, Neither Side Should Be Happy...
When the Seattle City Council passed new rules on microhousing in 2014, opponents had hoped to put an end to the small apartments, while...
Solving Homelessness Is More Complex Than Just Supply
In a recent article, I wrote about homelessness and mentioned that the building boom of new (mostly luxury) apartments hasn't positively affected One Night...
State Mulls New Affordable Housing Program
The Washington State Legislature is considering a pair of bills to create a new affordable housing program, dubbed the Preservation Tax Exemption, for very...
Sunday Video: 25 Years Of The Growth Management Act
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), King County highlights how this legislation was instrumental in guiding careful planning to...
Policy Timeline For The HALA Process In 2016
In Tuesday's meeting of the Planning, Land Use, and Zoning (PLUZ) Committee, Councilmembers heard from City staff on continued outreach and engagement efforts for the...
Wallingford’s 45th Street Is Ripe For Development
Wallingford could become a flashpoint for backlash against the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) judging by recent events. Last month, the Wallingford Community Council...
Seattle’s MFTE Program Has Strong Showing At End Of 2015
The Seattle Office of Housing is set provide a progress report on the Multi-Family Tax Exemption (MFTE) program to the Affordable Housing, Neighborhoods, and Finance Committee this morning....