Sawant And Murray Join Forces To Combat Slumlords And Curb Exorbitant Rent Increases
Seattleites were deeply shocked last fall when reports surfaced that one landlord in South Seattle had planned to double the cost of rents on...
Mayor Ed Murray Wants To Tackle Source Of Income Discrimination Against Renters
Mayor Ed Murray made a big move yesterday in transmitting legislation to end rental discrimination based upon source of income. The legislation would build...
Support A Seattle For Everyone
Seattle ranks among America's fastest growing cities. As Seattle continues to welcome new jobs and new residents, we must ensure housing is available and...
The Puget Sound Is Adding More Than 4,800 Jobs Monthly, But Where’s The Housing?
If you thought that regional growth might be petering out, you'd be wrong. Recent data from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) shows that...
Plan To Double The Seattle Housing Levy Chugs Ahead
On Monday, the Select Committee on the 2016 Seattle Housing Levy held a public hearing on doubling the housing levy and received very positive...
Why Seattle Needs Inclusionary Zoning, Explained By The Bid-Rent Curve
“Barriers to spatial mobility are barriers to social mobility.” - American Apartheid
Every morning Sandy McKay gets in her Volvo hatchback and joins the flow...
We Need More Housing: Would Inclusionary Zoning Hit The Brakes?
With several HALA provisions still up in the air and rents still spiking, the battle for affordable housing is urgent as ever. Mandatory inclusionary...
As our city continues to discuss how we grow, one phrase that we hear often is “Neighborhood Character.” Often the issue of Neighborhood Character...