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Reminder: June Meetup Tonight

A reminder of our monthly meetup tonight! Our meetups are open to all and free to attend or drop in. We'll be at the...

REDI Fund Agreement & New Tenant Protections Approved By Council

Two housing-related bills passed out of the chambers of the Seattle City Council on Monday. The first of the two is a proposal to...

Op-Ed: Why I Am Proposing Short-Term Rental Regulation

Urbanists believe in the power of cities to bring people together, sparking social, cultural and economic innovation. Urbanists support dense, walkable and transit-friendly neighborhoods...

How I Was Sidelined From The Wallingford Community Council

The Wallingford Community Council had its annual meeting Wednesday night and elected a new slate of board members, and, to make a long story...

King County Announces Plan To Preserve 2,200 Units Of Affordable Housing

This past Thursday, King County Executive Dow Constantine announced a plan to build 2,200 affordable housing units near light rail stations in the next...

Natural Light In Buildings: NIMBY Rhetoric Or Livability Staple

Cities face a complex web of interconnected problems today — affordability, transportation, safety, livability and many others. Often these problems appear to be in...

The Housing Levy Goes To Voters

Seattle voters will have a chance to weigh in on a major housing levy this summer. At a full council meeting on Monday, Councilmembers voted...

Mayor Murray Proposes Mandatory Affordable Housing Legislation For Residential Development

Standing along side affordable housing advocates yesterday, Mayor Ed Murray unveiled his latest legislative proposal to tackle rising housing costs that are pushing lower...