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A photograph showing participants holding colorful signs at a press event. The signs carry messages such as "sweeps cause harm" and "sweeps bring no compassion"

Judge Strikes ‘Compassion Seattle’ City Charter Amendment from November Ballot – Update

Update (August 31, 2021): The Compassion Seattle campaign has filed an emergency motion with the Washington Court of Appeals and is seeking a stay...

Compassion Seattle Fires Back as Charter Amendment Faces Second Lawsuit

Seattle voters wait for a judicial decision that will determine if the controversial city charter amendment critics call an unfunded mandate masquerading as a...
A view of a tiny house creation with a front porch from LiteHouse Shelters.

New Designs Expand Possibilities for Tiny Houses as Emergency Shelter

As the homelessness crisis deepens its impact across the U.S., Washington State designers are improving tiny house designs with the goal of bringing more...

Council Roundup: Setting Up Defenses Against Mayoral Steamrolling

Recently, the Seattle City Council has passed a handful of bills around revenue tracking, the environment, affordable housing, and parking rates. Many of these...
Mayor Durkan in an orange vest and SDOT hard hat at a West Seattle Bridge presser.

Will Electorate Blame Mayor Durkan for Four Years of Mismanagement?

Don't say we didn't warn you. The Urbanist has been highlighting the blunders of the Durkan administration from the campaign to year one to...

‘Huge Victory’ for Tenants as King County Council Broadens Protections

In a 6-3 vote yesterday, the King County Council approved a bill greatly expanding tenant rights in unincorporated King County. Sponsors Girmay Zahilay, Jeanne...

Durkan Again Delays Racial Equity Analysis of Seattle Growth Strategy

In November 2018, Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, with the backing of housing advocates like us, succeeded in getting $500,000 added to the City budget to...
Harrell wears a blazer and gestures toward tents in the background.

Durkan and Harrell Pressure Seattle Public Schools to Remove Homeless Encampments

Former Seattle City Council President Bruce Harrell held a mayoral campaign event Friday in front of a homeless camp on a playfield at Broadview-Thomson...