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Governor Inslee Touts Homelessness Strategy and Previews State Zoning and Permitting Reform Push

Governor Jay Inslee was in Seattle yesterday to tout his efforts to reduce homelessness across Washington State, which he said were bearing fruit. Inslee...

Tacoma Criminalizes Encampments Near Homeless Shelters and Waterways

In mid-September Urbanist reporter Kevin Le wrote about the Tacoma City Council's plan to create 10-block buffer zones around the city's nine emergency homeless...
Bruce Harrell wears a suit and stands at a podium with a group of people standing behind him.

Workers on the Frontlines of the Homelessness Crisis Deserve a Living Wage, Not Poverty...

Cops often earn triple the salaries of Seattle's social service workers; pay inequity is undermining the city's response to homelessness. Seattle's response to homelessness hinges...

The Urbanist Podcast: Homelessness and Health with “Skid Road Author” Josephine Ensign

In this podcast episode, we discuss homelessness, health, and Seattle's own significant history related to these topics with University of Washington Professor Josephine Ensign,...

The Urbanist Book Club to Kick Off with “Skid Road”

Author Josephine Ensign will be available to answer questions on her narrative history of homelessness and safety-net healthcare in Seattle. Next month on Tuesday, October,...

Tacoma Council Proposes Buffer Zones Around Homeless Shelters, Additional Sweeps

Back in May 2017, the City Council of Tacoma declared a public health emergency related to homeless encampments. The following month, the Council passed...

Mayor Harrell Passes the Buck and Unloads on Enemies in Leaked Police Precinct Speeches

The cracks are showing in Mayor Harrell's "One Seattle" brand as he pledged to unseat his enemies and withhold funding from the Regional Homelessness...

King County is Distributing Emergency Housing Vouchers Faster than Other Regions

After a slower than expected rollout, the King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA) has used federally-funded emergency vouchers to house 786 previously-homeless households. According...