In Pursuit of the Affordable Backyard Cottage
Last summer when the Seattle City Council passed legislation that encouraged development of backyard cottages across the city, the move was generally met with...
Progressives like Scott, Sawant, Strauss, and Lewis are Winning the Housing Debate, Opponents Are...
We live in alternate realities. I realized this when I received a pro-Alex Pedersen mailer from People for Affordable Livable Seattle (PALS) political action...
City Contemplates Upzoning or Downzoning The Ave
There is probably not much that District 4 City Council candidates Shaun Scott and Alex Pedersen agree on, but one topic on which the...
Housing Choices Survey: Help Make the Case for the Density Battles to Come
2019 is shaping up to be a significant year in the history of residential zoning in Seattle, and despite the dramas that accompanied the...
What Seattle’s “Best in the Nation” Mother-In-Law Apartment and Backyard Cottage Reform Does
On Monday, the Seattle City Council unanimously (8-0 vote) adopted a land use reform bill, easing restrictions on building accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in...
ADUs In, McMansions Out, and Could Fourplexes Be Next?
The Seattle City Council voted 8-0 Monday to pass accessory dwelling unit (ADU) reform, making it much easier to add a backyard cottage and/or...
Call to Action: Attend the Backyard Cottage Public Hearing at Seattle City Hall Tuesday
The first public hearing on Councilmember Mike O'Brien's backyard cottage proposal is Tuesday June 11th, and housing activists under the umbrella group More Options...
New Graduated Real Estate Excise Tax Will Be Windfall for Single-Family Homeowners, While Hitting...
Why not use the revenue to build affordable housing?
The Washington State Legislature was busy as it sprinted toward the end of the 2019 session....