Support A Seattle For Everyone
Seattle ranks among America's fastest growing cities. As Seattle continues to welcome new jobs and new residents, we must ensure housing is available and...
Plan To Double The Seattle Housing Levy Chugs Ahead
On Monday, the Select Committee on the 2016 Seattle Housing Levy held a public hearing on doubling the housing levy and received very positive...
Why Seattle Needs Inclusionary Zoning, Explained By The Bid-Rent Curve
“Barriers to spatial mobility are barriers to social mobility.” - American Apartheid
Every morning Sandy McKay gets in her Volvo hatchback and joins the flow...
We Need More Housing: Would Inclusionary Zoning Hit The Brakes?
With several HALA provisions still up in the air and rents still spiking, the battle for affordable housing is urgent as ever. Mandatory inclusionary...
Urban Hubs Need A CLT Boost
This is the second in a two-part series on cross-laminated timber; read the first here.
I've proposed creating a cross-laminated timber (CLT) bonus by adding 35...
CLT: The Future of Midrise Seattle
The Urbanist has covered how 85- and 125-foot zones are not very effective. Since 65 feet is the sweet spot for Type V construction...
A Year After New Microhousing Rules Went Into Effect, Neither Side Should Be Happy...
When the Seattle City Council passed new rules on microhousing in 2014, opponents had hoped to put an end to the small apartments, while...
Solving Homelessness Is More Complex Than Just Supply
In a recent article, I wrote about homelessness and mentioned that the building boom of new (mostly luxury) apartments hasn't positively affected One Night...