Sunday Video: Does My Neighborhood Determine My Future?
Vox looks at the history of redlining, practices of renting and selling property, zoning practices, public services and investments, and environmental health that collectively...
Sunday Video: Why Jakarta Is Sinking
The Indonesian city of Jakarta was colonized by the Dutch. Early on, the Dutch brought their canals and segregated the population, providing direct running...
Burien Paves the Way for Legacy Cornerstores in Residential Neighborhoods
Burien is seeking to bring back the cornerstore to residential neighborhoods. An ordinance adopted on Tuesday will pave the way for "legacy storefronts" to...
Sunday Video: How Did The Kim Dynasty Design Pyongyang?
Dave Amos takes a dive into how Pyongyang was designed by the ruling Kim family. The impacts of their directives are far ranging on...
Midweek Video: How The US Poisoned Navajo Nation
Vox highlights how the United States casually engages in environmental racism through the lens of the Navajo Nation and the Red Water Pond incident.
Sunday Video: Why New York City Is So Huge
Johnny Harris steps back in time to find out why New York City became so successful and huge even in the age of burgeoning...
Sunday Video: Why Are There So Many Strip Malls?
Dave Amos walks through the history of strip malls, how they are designed, and how they are being adapted.
Sunday Video: How Conquistadors Designed Cities in the Americas
Dave Amos of City Beautiful explains the history of city design in the Americas, which were shaped by the Spanish Conquistadors.