Cutting Trail Tunnel Only Saves 1% of SR 520 Budget
WSDOT is set to delete the 10th Avenue E tunnel underpass from Seattle's planned Roanoke Lid despite only saving around 10 to 15 million dollars.
Seattle Police Contract Passes Despite Limited Accountability Measures, Budget Hit
With a 24% raise and backpay, Seattle police officers are collectively earning an extra $96 million in compensation from the City in 2024. City leaders hope to spur hiring, but the contract did little to increase police accountability and blew a bigger hole in the City's quarter-billion-dollar budget deficit.
2025 Opening for Full East Link Sits on a Razor’s Edge
Track restoration work on the remainder of the 2 Line across I-90 is 80% complete, but any additional delays are almost certain to push a grand opening into 2026.
Mobility Advocates Find Support for Bigger Levy in Poll, Council Deliberates
A recent poll found Seattle would support a $1.9 billion transportation levy focused on fix-it-first and safety investments, but the City's proposal currently sits at $1.45 billion.
Urbanists Rally to Sway Seattle Growth Plan
Comment on the draft Seattle Comprehensive Plan by May 20. Housing advocates have urged the City to adopt the "Housing Abundance Map" rather than keep exclusionary zoning.
Riders Swarm East Link Light Rail on Opening Weekend
After a 90-minute opening ceremony, the 2 Line clocked 35,000 boardings on Saturday. Leaders predicted the line will dramatically transform the Eastside.
Studying New SLU Light Rail Options Could Cost $500 Million or More
Should Sound Transit spend an additional 10 months studying tweaks to stations in the South Lake Union area? The Sound Transit board is set to make that decision in May.
Everything to Know About Sound Transit’s 2 Line, Launching This Weekend
The Eastside will have light rail service for the first time, as East Link launches Saturday. The Urbanist has everything you need to know about this momentous occasion.