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A rendering of towers surrounded by trees plus a helicopter.

Telosa: What We Can Learn from Utopian Myths

As a child, I watched a documentary at school about Arcosanti, a utopian city in the desert founded on the idea that environmental sustainability...

Sound Transit’s Escalators and Elevators Are Broken Too Often, But A Better System Lies...

Escalators and elevators are a persistent problem for Sound Transit. The agency has had constant troubles at newer facilities like Capitol Hill and University...
A photo of an illuminated escalator leading down to a light rail platform.

Northgate Link Light Rail Expansion: How We Arrived

The history of Link light rail was writ large on the Northgate Link's opening day. The entry point for my first ride to Northgate Station...
Brooklyn Avenue looking north with UW Tower on the left and a new 24-story tower rising behind the Graduate Hotel.

U District Is a Hive of Construction Activity as Light Rail Arrives

Northgate Link, which just opened as of today, has already transformed the neighborhoods surrounding the three stations on the extension. Northgate Station still does...

It’s Official: Northgate Link Is Open

At 4:51am this morning, the Northgate Link extension officially opened to the public. Many riders were in attendance for the occasion rising to cheers,...
Aerial photo of the University of Washington overlooking a fountain, with Rainier Vista at its center

An Urbanist’s Guide to the U District Station Area

Already the destination for many transit riders, the U District Station offers the most reasons to visit for light rail riders on its opening,...
A photo of a worker standing on a ladder and stenciling welcome on to the exterior wall of the U District light rail station.

Celebrate Northgate Link Light Rail Expansion with Opening Day Events

It isn't every day that a city welcomes three new light rail stations that will provide thousands of people easy access to the magic...
Five hot air balloons at Green Lake Park's eastern fields. This was taken during 2018 annual Pathway of Lights.

An Urbanist’s Destination Guide to the Roosevelt Station Area

With the Northgate link light rail extension coming online, tens of thousands of additional daily riders are estimated to use the region's light rail...