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A view over Montlake from a drone looking toward North Capitol Hill on a beautiful day

The Washington State Transportation Budget Is In Deep Trouble

Declining state transportation revenue and increased project costs are on a collision course. Long-promised highway projects, court-ordered fish culvert removal, and badly needed investments in transit, active transportation, and traffic safety are all fighting for a shrinking pie.
Shoreline North 185th Street station from the platform with an apartment building under construction

Shoreline Votes to Ditch Parking Mandates, Legalize Neighborhood Cafes and Stores

In approving a unanimous update to its Comprehensive Plan, the Shoreline City Council is set to go well beyond the minimum requirements of state law in pursuit of creating additional housing options and more vibrant neighborhoods.

The Urbanist Endorses Seattle Prop 1A to Fund Social Housing

In February, Seattleites should vote yes on Proposition 1A to launch the Seattle Social Housing Developer with progressive revenue. The Urbanist Elections Committee lays out why.
Greg Spotts standing at a podium with Bruce Harrell looming over and a RapidRide bus behind

Spotts to Leave SDOT Just as New Transportation Levy Gets Rolling

Greg Spotts is the latest SDOT Director to leave the city after a short stint, departing after overseeing a strong finish on the $930 million Levy to Move Seattle.
Claudia Balducci stands at a lectern with drums next to her and drummers dressed in traditional Japanese garb behind.

Claudia Balducci Wants to Tackle King County’s Challenges Head-On as Executive

In making her case to become the next King County Executive, Claudia Balducci is pointing to her extensive track record of delivering on housing and transportation –– and getting the details right.
A central square in downtown Redmond has a row of bike parking and tents set up for a street far. Midrise apartment buildings ring the square and a construction crane adds another.

Redmond Greenlights Center Upzones, Sixplexes Citywide, Higher Affordability Requirements

The recently passed Redmond 2050 plan increases housing capacity and aims to produce nearly 30,000 new homes by 2050, mostly downtown and in Overlake Village. However, homebuilders warn that the City is adding new obstacles that could impede housing development.

Seattle Council Passes Budget Swiping Affordable Housing Funds to Boost SPD

The Sara Nelson-led Seattle City Council passed their first city budget in an 8-1 vote. It greenlit the mayor’s plan to slash investments in affordable housing and social services and trim 48 staff positions in order to boost police spending by 16% and close a large deficit without raising new taxes.

Sound Transit Study Bolsters Case Against CID Station at Fourth Avenue

A third-party consultant told the Sound Transit board this week that the Fourth Avenue station option in Chinatown is "not reasonably constructible," due to lengthy construction timelines and a laundry list of risks that come with construction next to a BNSF rail line.