Event: Yes for Seattle Transit Campaign Kick-Off
In case you haven't heard, there's a big proposition on the November ballot for Seattle residents called "Proposition 1". The proposition is a transit-only...
Join The Urbanist for PARK(ing) Day in Downtown Seattle
PARK(ing) Day is nearly here! And, we're taking over some parking spaces to create a fun and interactive parklet. We plan to have board...
Seattle Design Festival 2014: Design in Motion
Starting on Friday, Seattle will embark on a two-week festival to explore design. This year's theme is Design in Motion, and it promises to...
PARK(ing) Day 2014 Will Soon Be Here, So Let’s Make It A Success
[flickr photo="http://www.flickr.com/slideShow/index.gne?group_id=&user_id=35660569@N08&set_id=72157645746995334/with/6078033348&text=" w=500 h=]
Don’t Miss Out on the 43rd Street Block Party
You may have heard this thing about a new Link Light Rail subway station in the U District. You might even know that it's...
Event Reminder: Broadway Streetcar Extension Open House
Tonight from 6pm to 8pm there will be an open house for the Broadway Streetcar extension at Lowell Elementary. This will be an opportunity...
Event Reminder: Meetup at GGLO
We're giving GGLO's swanky space at the Harbor Steps a spin this week. So if you want to join us for our weekly meetup,...