Holding the Line on Fish
Of all the recent regional policy discussions to fall behind the couch in urbanist circles perhaps the most important is on the topic of...
City As Affordable Housing Developer?
It should be painfully obvious by now that a ‘free market solution’ to low-income housing (and at this rate—even quality, affordable housing) in Seattle...
Sunday Video: Creating Functional Streets for Livable Cities
Bicycle Culture by Design from TEDx Talks on YouTube.
Mikael Colville-Andersen of Copenhagenize Design Co. gives us a brief history of our streets and suggests how we can...
Is Seattle Really Committed to Fossil Fuel Divestment?
The environmental group 350.org is pushing the “Fossil Free” divestment campaign to get educational and religious institutions, city and state governments, and other institutions...
Exploding Oil Trains Currently Run Through Downtown Seattle
Two months ago in Casselton, North Dakota, a train carrying crude oil from the Bakken oil fields hit a derailed soybean train on the...