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Kirkland Presents Pathways to Pedestrianize Park Lane

The City of Kirkland is in the middle of a deep dive on how it could make one of its most popular downtown streets...

Bellevue Councilmember Oversteps Authority to Block Additional Housing Capacity

In rejecting midrise zoning, Councilmember Robertson cited a handshake agreement with homeowners, worrying more homes would "unduly alarm the neighborhoods." If completing legally-mandated, once-in-a-decade planning...

Eastrail Sees Big Milestone in Kirkland, and Setbacks in Bellevue

This weekend, elected officials and staff with the City of Kirkland cut the ribbon on the new Totem Lake Connector bicycle and pedestrian bridge....

Op-Ed: Re-Elect Kelli Curtis to Kirkland City Council

We enthusiastically endorse the re-election of Kirkland City Councilmember Kelli Curtis. Curtis has two opponents, so her race for Council Position 2 will be...

Woodinville’s Mayor Wants You to Know He’s Not a NIMBY

Officials say they're embracing housing growth, but have some caveats. As Washington's middle housing bill, HB 1110, advanced through the legislature during the first few...

Get Involved with Liveable Kirkland’s Toolkit for Activism

Providing public input for local policymaking can be mysterious and daunting. Liveable Kirkland’s Guide to Influencing Kirkland City Policy provides straight-forward instructions and tips...

Bellevue Rethinks How It Uses Its Most Valuable Real Estate: Curbspace

The City of Bellevue has created a roadmap for the potential broad expansion of curbside street space that shifts away from being focused primarily...

Stride Bus Projects Fall Further Behind Schedule, Controversy Brews in Lake Forest Park

The much-delayed Stride bus rapid transit program continues to get more delayed. Generally speaking, the three projects -- dubbed the S1, S2, and S3...