Op-Ed: Why Your City Needs a Tool Library
Nearly a dozen tool libraries are operating in the Puget Sound region and Kirkland is aiming to join the club. Here's what tool libraries add to communities.
Newcastle Mayor Pushed to Scrub Climate Change, Equity from City’s Growth Plan
Newcastle Mayor Robert Clark pushed to remove references to promoting racial and social equity as "vague," "subjective," and "irrelevant," and called climate change "subjective." Many of his recommendations were adopted by the Newcastle Planning Commission.
Bellevue Pushes to Open Up Bus-Only Lanes to Private Shuttles
Framed as a way to increase the efficiency of new transit lanes being eyed for the RapidRide K Line, the move could give transit agencies across the state less control over one of the biggest tools they have to increase speed and reliability.
Constantine’s King County Parks Levy Proposal Would Expand Trails, Programming
On Tuesday, King County Executive Dow Constantine unveiled his $1.5 billion proposal to renew the King County Parks Levy, which expires at year's end. The levy funds parks and regional trail expansions, educational programming at partner organizations, and operations and maintenance.
Join The Urbanist for Our February Social Events
Join The Urbanist for our February social events in Seattle, Redmond, and Shoreline. Next up is our Big Time Brewery meetup on February 20.
Mercer Island’s Growth Plan Doesn’t Meet State Standards, Appeal Alleges
Futurewise is challenging the validity of Mercer Island's Comprehensive Plan, alleging it's out of alignment with a number of state housing policies, including a requirement to maximize the area around its forthcoming light rail station.
Kirkland’s New Mental Health Crisis Center Top Contender for Levy Contract
Kirkland Connections is a new 24/7 mental health crisis center that could prove a model for the five crisis centers a county levy approved and funded in 2023. Such services are rare in the region.
Eastside Coffee Outside: Brewing Community, One Cup at a Time
Community members gather every Wednesday morning from 7am to 9:30am in Kirkland for Eastside Coffee Outside. Here's how they came together.