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The View From Nathan's Bus

Opinion: Nathan on Lockdowns

I like people. I really do. As a child I liked animals, like all children, but when I eventually discovered people I knew I...

Nathan in NYC: TransitCenter Event

Briefly—I'll be participating in a panel for the famed and lovely organization TransitCenter this Wednesday. If you're in NYC, stop by! I don't often...

Nathan at MOHAI on February 19th

My lectures sound like this.  You may not think you like lectures, or maybe the word gives you college flashbacks too boring to recall, but...

Nathan on Pie

"Do you like pie?" Here's the thing. I love pie. How could I possibly answer his question? What am I supposed to do? Say I...

From the Driver’s Seat: Tips and More for Operators, 2019 edition

I don't know how many operators read The Urbanist, but I know most of us here will at least find this material interesting. And I...

The Woman Who Spoke in Paragraphs

"How are you tonight?" For certain folks, that phrase means, I respect you. I acknowledge you. And that's fine. It's great, actually. I've written elsewhere...

Book Event, 12/6: Susanna Ryan and Nathan Vass in Conversation

My primary emotion upon reading Susanna Ryan's book version of her wildly popular Instagram feed, Seattle Walk Report, other than excitement, was of recognition. As in, someone...

Don’t Be Scared Of My Friends, Part II

Trigger warning: Language! It's a late night on the 7, after all... "Bitchass niggers," he opined, with fervor. "What I look like? Scared uh me, huh? You got a phone? Phone, you got a phone?" He was...