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The View From Nathan's Bus

Reparations On The Night Bus

It's a system of peaks and valleys, life is. At this moment, somewhere last year, I was in a valley. You know the feeling,...


I'm parked at the terminal, standing by my bus in Rainier Beach as I work on a Richard Wright novel. Ah, literature. A cry...

Rest In Peace, Breda Monster

Is it so silly, when we really think about it, to mourn the passing of a coach type? Think back to your childhood haunts....

I Dreamt Of The Future

Have you noticed how when people run for the bus, they're nearly always smiling? Most especially when they make it onboard, but often before...

“Everybody Need to Quit Acting Hard and Sh**”

"We spoke boastfully in bass voices; we used the word "nigger" to prove the tough fiber of our feelings; we spouted excessive profanity as...

On The (Bus) Porch

"I din' know you drive up this far," said a woman who usually rides my 7 only when deep within the bowels of the...


We were talking about a random sampling of things. "I'm goin' to the hospital tomorrow," she said. "I got an abscess in my cheek....

Changing Awful

It was the day after what was unquestionably the worst night in my entire bus-driving career. We're not going to talk about it, for...