Nathan Converses With His Colleagues: II
Our conversation was drifting on to other topics, but I needed to clarify something.
"Hold up. Did you say that game was at eight o'...
Bus Driver Appreciation Day: A Bus Driver Appreciates Other Bus Drivers!
They're a fine bunch, the operators. Bus Driver Appreciation Day was originally designated in Seattle, and I'm not surprised. We've got good people here....
Paul Constant On Nathan Vass, The Blogging Bus Driver
Paul Constant is (among other things!) the co-founder of the excellent The Seattle Review of Books. He recently interviewed me for his site. We...
And That’s How We Became Friends (Again)
"But they ain't hardly gave him a chance yet!"
I chuckled ruefully. At this point my use for such a perspective is limited. A chance?...
Seattle, Center Of The Modern Universe
History is going to love this corner of our country.
By now you know that the Washington State Attorney General sued the Federal Government of...
Nathan Converses With His Colleagues: I
The cultures of bus driving here at Metro are many and wide. This job, so much more than others, is exactly what you choose...
The Things We Think About
They can still be one of your favorite passengers, even if you hardly see them more than once or twice a year. The last...
Don’t Be Scared Of My Friends, Part I
Perhaps you know of the famous (but not famous enough) loophole in the Thirteenth Amendment. It states that no person in the U.S. can be...