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The View From Nathan's Bus

The Great and Terrible Fifth & Jackson: An Ethnography

Do I show up in his dreams, as he has in mine? In my life he began as a recurring face in my periphery, one...

Nicer Than They Look

Really trim, this young out-of-towner. Svelte would be the word. She tossed her hair to one side and listened as I answered her question. "Yeah,...

When You Want to Hear It

It seemed remiss of me not to at least ask. "How's he doin' out there? He's doin' okay?" He didn't look it, that's for sure,...

Oh, Leroy!

"A nice dress shirt," Leroy said. "And jeans." I looked at him over the top of my glasses. The Skeptical Dad look. "Jeans? Are you sure?" "Yeah." "Khakis,...

Surprise Me, Ibrahim

"Hey, he's smoking crack! You need to get off!" That's the African man seated across from them, noticing something amiss. Crack cocaine has no odor,...

Deserve, the Concept and the Song

I was recently telling a supervisor friend about an unpleasant incident. I don't talk often about unpleasant incidents, for reasons outlined elsewhere, but they...

Nine Years, Briefly

The 107 frequency is better than it used to be, but at the time of this story it was catastrophically awful. Hourly after seven...

The Nathan Train

Snarled is perhaps too strong a word, but I'm using it anyway. It's what he wanted to do. Two of us 7's had pulled...